What To Expect From Tooth Extraction

Before tooth extraction has to be done the patient is usually undergoing a thorough dental examination. Your dentist must know not just your full medical history but your dental history as well. It is very important to avoid any health risk issues like heart problems or any allergies from antibiotics or anesthetic.

Toothache is one of the most painful things you can experience. Once your tooth is severely damaged the only solution it can get is tooth removal. You may visit your dentist for this procedure.

Most of us are afraid of extracting our teeth and our dentists are aware of this so they will give you local anesthesia to numb the tooth and the gums before removing your tooth. Dental sedation is also recommended for patient with dental anxiety to feel more relaxed.

A simple tooth removal can be done with the impacted wisdom teeth removal forceps without fracturing. To loosen the tooth the dentist moves it back and forth from the socket. If the tooth is hard to loosen, the instrument called 'elevator or 'luxatar' is usually used to break the periodontal tissues from the jawbone to where it is attached. The tooth can be pulled out with the forceps once it is already loosened.

Tooth extraction will be performed under the influence of local anesthesia and will be performed by an oral surgeon and maxillofacial surgeon. So today we will discussing about this dental procedure and understand the aftercare, the cost and everything that you should be aware of when you are directed towards it.

As mentioned above getting your wisdom teeth out surgery is performed under the influence of a local anesthesia which will numb the area of operation. An oral surgeon will perform the surgery as they are highly qualified on such matters. In case there is a need to for removal of multiple tooth extraction then your dentist will be using a stronger anesthesia or general anesthesia. This will numb your whole body and you will not feel any pain or sensation until the surgery is over.

Once the tooth extraction is completed it will require stitching for which you gently bite on the cotton gauze pad. This is required to stop the bleeding and hence it is placed over the wound. The tooth which has been removed will be replaced by dental implant, denture or bridge. As far as dental bridge is concerned, you should know that it will be used if more than one tooth has been extracted. This might be permanent or removable fixture.